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Tracking completed requirements for each scout is a core feature of Scout Manager. We’ve gone the extra mile to make it easy to sign off on requirements for individuals and groups of scouts. In addition, you’ll get visual feedback of how close the scout is to earning the award and when enough requirements are signed off we’ll automatically assign the award to the scout.
Tracking completed requirements for each scout is a core feature of Scout Manager. We’ve gone the extra mile to make it easy to sign off on requirements for individuals and groups of scouts. In addition, you’ll get visual feedback of how close the scout is to earning the award and when enough requirements are signed off we’ll automatically assign the award to the scout.
Who can sign off requirements? It depends on the role you have within your unit. For example in a Pack the Den Leaders and Parents are normally the ones handling requirements. In a Troop it’s the Leaders (e.g. board of review), Merit Badge Counselors and sometimes even the older scouts depending on how your Troop manages things. The point is that signing off requirements can be handled by a broad array of people.
To sign off on requirements go into a Scout's profile, click on the Requirements tab and you'll see the relevant rank and awards that he's working on (the relevant rank/awards is determined by the rank you assign to him on his profile). Click the award the scout is working toward and click the checkbox next to the requirement. As requirements are completed a green checkbox will appear when a section is completed. This is really handy for the complex requirements where you might be unsure whether a Scout has completed the necessary requirements or not -- Scout Manager will figure it out for you. Some requirements require other awards (see #5 below). In this case Scout Manager will automatically sign off the requirement when those awards are earned and recorded in the system. When the award is completed Scout Manager will automatically add it to the Scout so that it shows up on reports, etc (see Awards below). To reflect this a green checkbox will also appear next its name in the Requirements view. In some cases there are multiple awards (e.g. Beltloops and Pins) so a small red number will appear with the green checkmark to indicate how many are completed. If you make a mistake and check too many boxes, just uncheck them. Scout Manager will automatically figure out if a section or award is completed and keep the system correct. Only Pack/Troop Leaders, Den Leaders and Cub Scout Parents (if allowed in Pack Options) can modify whether a Scout's requirements.
As a scout leader you will often work on advancement with groups of scouts whether it’s a Cub Scout den or a group of Boy Scouts working on a Merit Badge. For these cases you’ll want to use Quick Entry which allows you to sign off on entire group of boys. There’s a lot of flexibility built into this model allowing you to get it just right for the entire group within seconds.
To access this mode, open the den/patrol, then click the Quick Entry button. The view that opens is similar to signing off individual scouts. Choose an award to sign off and you’ll be shown all your eligible scouts across the top with progress indicators. You can perform the following: one-click sign off on all requirements for each scout One-click sign off on a requirement for all scouts Sign off on an individual requirement per scout
The reverse of the above to backout a requirement is also available.
As you sign off Scout Manager will provide visual feedback on each scout and automatically create (or remove) an award for the scout as appropriate.
For Boy Scouts we’ve added an additional feature called Merit Badge Groups that are led by a Merit Badge Counselor. For signing off on requirements a Merit Badge Group works on the same basis as above.
Leaders can create a merit badge group by clicking Administration => Merit Badge Groups.
Next, add scouts to the group
Scouts can be a member of multiple Merit Badge groups as necessary.
Then, you’ll want to assign a counselor.
The added adults will gain access to sign off on the merit badges for the boys in the group.