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User Transfers

Scout Manager supports transferring users and scouts between units that use Scout Manager. This allows you to quickly move scouts and their from Cub Scouts to a Troop without having to type in the same information again.

User Transfer between units

Scout Manager supports transferring users and scouts between units that use Scout Manager. This allows you to quickly move scouts and their from Cub Scouts to a Troop without having to type in the same information again. A transfer allows you to create outgoing transfer requests of users between units in Scout Manager and accept incoming transfers.

A typical situation where people use transfers include Webelos crossover from Cub Scouts into Boy Scouts. However, transfers can be done between any two units. Doing a transfer has advantages such as avoiding retyping information and avoiding multiple accounts for adults who have boys active in Cub Scouts and Boy Scouts. For example, if you have a Pack and one or more Troops that collaborate together you can quickly and easily transfer between them. You will need to request for us to a link between the Pack/Troop(s) to allow Leaders to request and accept transfers as needed. Transfers can be accomplished between any two Scout Manager units -- if you need to do this just ask.

What happens to the user data when somebody transfers?

Most user data can be transferred along with the user information. A scout can only belong to a single unit Here's a breakdown of what is transferred and what is not.

  • distribution lists - scouts are removed, adults are not.
  • event attendance - scouts attendance records are purged
  • Google authentications - removed
  • Den/Patrol - scouts are removed
  • Accounts - privilege to view an associated account is removed. If the new unit is setup with Accounts, a new account is created and privilege setup with it. No financial data is transferred.
  • User Email - any emails sent are kept and transferred to your new unit.
  • User Activities - hiking, camping, etc hours are transferred to your new unit.
  • Scouts are removed from their current Den/Patrol and placed into a new one selected by the receiving unit.
  • Cub Scouts transferring into Troops have their rank bumped up to "New Scout".
  • Parents of scouts are transferred along with the scout.
  • All privileges that a scout may have had in their prior unit are removed.

From the perspective of the transferring unit the scout is no longer in their unit once the transfer is finalized.

An adult transfer works slightly differently from above in that they simply gain access to the new Unit. Adults can switch between units after login by selecting the dropdown menu in the upper right corner and clicking "Change Unit". The last unit viewed will be reactivated at the next login.

Managing transfers

Adult leaders can create and accept transfers by selecting Administration => Transfer Users. Any existing transfer requests and incoming transfers will be shown allowing you to cancel or accept transfers.

To add transfers navigate to the User Transfer screen from Membership => User Transfers and click the '+' button. Simply choose the unit, select as many users as needed and provide a reason for the transfer. A reason is requested as a courtesy so the person on the receiving end can know why a person is transferring into their unit.