Assign leadership roles
Scout Manager has a robust security model allowing to maintain secure and safe operations and to allow users to share information with only who they choose.
Your leadership team
Before you get started take a few minutes to reflect on the different people you rely on to operate your unit. Understanding the different roles within your unit and what they do will help how you move forward. Scout Manager provides the most common roles found within units and allows you to assign adults to them.
Assigning a role grants specific permissions enables users to perform certain actions within
Scout Manager. You can assign multiple roles to adults increasing their permissions to perform activities. Changing a user’s role (adding or removing) is effective immediately at the user’s next successful login.
Manage your Leaders
To manage leadership roles click the
Leaders tab or use them menu option Membership => View Leadership Roles. To add a role to a person:
- click the “+”
- select the Role
- type in the name of the person in the provided space and click OK. You can add more than one person at a time.
You'll also need to remove leaders from time to time as people move on. On the Leaders tab
- Find the name of the person
- on the right hand side click the 'X' next to the role you wish to remove from that person.
Role changes are effective on the person's next login.
Here are the roles that can be assigned and the permissions they grant within the Scout
Manager system.
- __Leader__ - assign this role to the people that need to have full access to your Pack/Troop
data in Scout Manager. Full access means they can add/remove users and scouts and
view/edit all details of every User Profile in the Pack/Troop. This is generally the
Committee Chairman, Cub/Scout Master and their direct assistants. leaders can view the
accounting books, but they cannot edit or add transactions.
- Awards Coordinator - assign this role to the people that coordinate your awards
ceremonies. They'll be able to manage each Scout's awards (add or remove at the
award level) and run reports that will help them coordinate handing out awards.
- __Treasurer__ - assign this role to the person that manages your Pack or Troop finances.
Ideally its just one person although you can add as many as you like. People assigned to
this role are the only ones with access to the Scout Accounts feature and they will be
able to fully manage each Account. NOTE: ONLY TREASURERS CAN MANAGE
- Den/Patrol Leader - assign this role to whoever is managing a Den/Patrol. People
assigned to this role can view/edit/add/delete scouts within the Den/Patrol as well as
view full profile/edit/add/delete parents of those scouts. This role is only assigned when
viewing the Den/Patrol and can only be assigned by a "Leader".
- __Website Admin__ - Provides full control over your unit custom website (premium package
only). People you assign here will be able to add/remove pages, files and photos, etc on
your custom website.
- __Events Coordinator__ - by default all leaders are event coordinators with the ability to
add, remove and manage events. This particular role is this is assignable p
er event and
allows the assigned scout or adult to manage the event. Use this when you get a
volunteer to help with a specific event, but you don’t to allow them the ability to create
other events.
- Committee Member - this role is similar to the leader role, but does not have the ability
to make edits. In addition to regular user rights a person with the Committee Member
role has read only access to all Users, Scouts, Dens, Accounts and they can view the
Chart of Accounts. Unless they inherit the permission from another assigned role they
cannot edit users/scouts, sign off requirements, change awards, change accounts,
submit account transactions, etc. They cannot run any accounting reports.
- Parent - this role is assigned by associating a scout and an adult. A parent has access
to view and edit scouts associated with them and view their financial accounts. In
Packs, you can also configure to allow parents to sign off on requirements.